====== Networks ====== {{https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/campfire.png}} ===== Physical Networks ==== These networks have IP subnets attached to them. * [CSE Uplink](management) * [Direct-IO](direct-io) * [Blue/Red Team Networks](blue_red) * [Team Networks](vds-team-nets) * [Cloud Network](cloud) ===== Virtual Distributed Switches (vDS) ===== vDS is just a fancy name for a switch (layer 2 device) that is on multiple hosts. To go deeper into the rabbit hole of vDS, see [this page](misc/what_is_vds). * [Core vDS](vds-core-nets) * Blue Team Network * Red Team Network * [Team vDS](vds-team-nets) * Generic Network * Team X Network * CTF Network * Arena Network ===== VLANs ===== [Located here](vlans) ===== Port Mappings ===== * [Network Port Mappings](port_mappings) * [ZBT Port Mappings](zbt_port_mappings) ===== Pretty Diagrams ===== {{https://www.lucidchart.com/publicSegments/view/1dc5f445-373c-49cf-8477-3df9fb667d99/image.png}} {{https://www.lucidchart.com/publicSegments/view/e8be818c-b5d0-4940-8d4b-61dfa7cb4343/image.png}} _If you wish to make a copy of this diagram, click [here](https://www.lucidchart.com/invitations/accept/bc24e9e3-f9de-465e-b177-34b2a790be60)_