Table of Contents

How to Upload Lectures to the UBNetDef Website

This documentation only provides information of how to upload lectures and PDFs in general with how updated it is to the current build of our website.

Step 0: Get Access

Step 1: Git Bash

Step 2: Clone

Step 3: Copy Previous Semester

 --- #in the code on Github there will be **no** space, I needed one so Doku would read it differently 
date: "2019-02-14"
title: "Networking + Topology + Activity" #change this to reflect website schedule

course: "Systems Security"
semester: "Spring" 
year: 2019
author: "Destiney Plaza"

slug: "Networking + Topology + Activity" #change this to reflect website schedule
navbar_active_link: "lectures" #keep this the same!

summary: | #you need this bar
  Let's dive deep into Networking.
  We will be starting from the ground up.

slides: "/slides/spring2019/Coming_Soon.pdf" #this is where the slides are stored to show up

has_page: false #different from Welcome slide, this just makes it auto-show the lecture as a PDF
 --- #in the code on Github there will be **no** space, I needed one so Doku would read it differently 

Step 4: Slides in New Folder

Step 5: Commit Your Changes

Step 6: A Typical Commit

This is what adding one week's worth of material will probably look like.