
This documentation only provides information of how to upload lectures and PDFs in general with how updated it is to the current build of our website.

Step 0: Get Access

  • Talk to the… “Web Dude”

Step 1: Git Bash

Step 2: Clone

  • Make a folder in your home directory named UBNetDef then cd into that directory.
  • Clone the website git clone
  • Open the folder in your favorite text-editor.

Step 3: Copy Previous Semester

  • These are typically our core lectures, so all these files should roughly be the same.
  • Now update the file to reflect this semester.
  • Then go through each lecture and rename and change the code that needs to be updated.
 --- #in the code on Github there will be **no** space, I needed one so Doku would read it differently 
date: "2019-02-14"
title: "Networking + Topology + Activity" #change this to reflect website schedule

course: "Systems Security"
semester: "Spring" 
year: 2019
author: "Destiney Plaza"

slug: "Networking + Topology + Activity" #change this to reflect website schedule
navbar_active_link: "lectures" #keep this the same!

summary: | #you need this bar
  Let's dive deep into Networking.
  We will be starting from the ground up.

slides: "/slides/spring2019/Coming_Soon.pdf" #this is where the slides are stored to show up

has_page: false #different from Welcome slide, this just makes it auto-show the lecture as a PDF
 --- #in the code on Github there will be **no** space, I needed one so Doku would read it differently 

Step 4: Slides in New Folder

  • will need to put the slides in a new folder under /slides/spring2019/Coming_Soon.pdf where spring2019 will be different for you.

Step 5: Commit Your Changes

  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "some descriptive message here"
  • `git push

Step 6: A Typical Commit

This is what adding one week's worth of material will probably look like.

  • guides/upload_lectures.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/03/25 14:24
  • by vnbruno